When I began this journey into essential oils and supplements, I knew I needed help. But I also knew my inner nerd needed to understand why oils, supplements, and other healthier options were actually a good investment.
So I began a journey of learning from people way smarter than me, from books and text books, and from my leaders and Young Living itself. What I discovered was that my gut feeling was spot on, and the more I research alternative options for wellness and healthy living, the more I realize how awesome it is. So I can truly say after all the research, and I'm never done learning so I'm sure I'll find more, I'm more confident than ever that the investment and wellness journey was one of my best decisions EVER!! So I decided to help others who might not have as much inner nerd as I do, to understand the basics and empower them to make their own wellness choices. So Oil Artisans was born, and now we have a community of people all learning and sharing together. This blog is to help others go on that journey with us, and it is full of product information, DIY recipes, resources and tips and tricks. I know I speak for our whole team when I say, "Welcome and we hope you'll join us!" |
Oil ArtisansWe are a group of regular people who love the products we use and want to help others love them too. Education is a key pillar on our team, because we believe that empowering others to make choices for themselves and their families is the best way to serve them. ArchivesCategories |